Charles Austen Angell, FIDSA
Modern Edge, Inc.
Charles Austen Angell, FIDSA, is president and CEO of Modern Edge, a strategic design firm based in Portland, OR, that innovates within health care, wearable tech, connected devices and active lifestyles.
Angell will address the opioid crisis in the united states and how digital health is making a difference in combating this challenge.
Opioids: Designing for a Public Health Crisis
The opioid crisis in the United States is making global headlines. The fight against the dramatically escalating problem is one of the few areas of common ground in today’s political theater. Charles Austen Angell, FIDSA, will address the life-threatening issue from a design thinking perspective. He will review and discuss the technologies, legislative barriers and challenges within this space including:
- Overview of opioids in America
- History and contributing factors
- Recent evolution and escalation
- Legislation and intervention
- Current technology and design solutions
- Potential Futurescape
For more information or a copy of the presentation: contact(at)modernedge(.com)